Alta Care Resources

Resilient children, youth, families, and communities

Alta Care Resources

Our Mission

Alta Care Resources serves children, youth and families in a manner that builds from resiliencies, strengthens capacities, empowers change and transforms adversity

Alta Care Resources is an agency contracted to provide services to Alberta Human Services.. With over twenty years of experience the organization is a respected and acknowledged part of Edmonton and area’s service delivery spectrum. 

The agency has a history of innovative and creative programming in the areas of; group care, crisis response, resiliency training, early intervention/prevention programs and family-based intervention. 

Agency Principles

Alta Care Resources follows the principles of the Case Work Practice Model and the Children and Residential Experiences (CARE) Model throughout practice

Adherence to solid principles guide Alta Care Resources to make decisions that are in the best interests of every unique child and family we serve

Our History

Throughout the history of Alta Care Resources the organization has pursued innovative solutions to social problems.

Alta Care Resources was founded in 1990 by Allen Balser, and incorporated in 1991 under the Business Incorporation Act of the Province of Alberta. Alta Care Resources is a social entrepreneurial organization, balancing the “best of” rigorous business principles combined with a heightened sense of social responsibility.

It is with an enduring sense of pride that Alta Care Resources has embraced the values of: socially responsible leadership, client driven programs, outcome focused results, along with value-added services in our desire to strengthen resilience in children, families and communities.

Alta Care Resources’ symbol of the Dragonfly represents the powerful force of transformation and deep, enduring change. It also symbolizes the three stages of resilience; survive, thrive and come alive

Imbedded in the symbol are the resiliency teachings of; connectedness, optimism, hope, meaning, purpose and empowerment. The dragonfly symbol also embodies our agency mission



Come join the dynamic team at Alta Care Resources and make a difference in your community

In the recruitment and hiring process, Alta Care Resources promotes employee diversity and will continue recruitment efforts to attract new employees with Indigenous or culturally diverse backgrounds.

We are accepting resumes for various positions working with children, youth and families. All job postings are currently posted online at: You can also email your resume to

Resiliency Project

The Resiliency Project is partnered with Edmonton and Area Children’s Services to meet the unique needs of children, youth, and families in Southwest Edmonton

Resiliencies that enhance lifelong connections are discovered and nurtured through relational interventions, which are used to support families with creating safety & wellbeing

Get in touch

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Head Office

#302, 9470 51 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5A6

Call Us

Ph: 780 451 6040
Fx: 780 453 3723